Kathrin Golda-Pongratz (Augsburg, 1971) is an architect, urban planner, and professor at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture. She has carried out research into urbanisation processes linked to migration, informal…
This year’s Curry Stone’s Vision Award goes to The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers (SPARC) “for their dedicated work in improving the lives of slum-dwellers across India.”…
This Friday former student and staff member Allison Koornneef will give an open lecture in which she’ll be talking about her internship experience with the Society for the Promotion of…
As one of the main issues of our program, we talk often about the informal city and work on real-world projects that explore the role of participative design in improving…
Only a week after the end of the 7th edition of the World Urban Forum in Medellín, and the organizers were still celebrating its success with a positive feedback and…
From the 14th to the 27th of March, our students along with our Co-director Carmen Mendoza-Arroyo and thanks to the coordination of Raquel Colacios, participated in a field trip that…
The notorious “vertical slum” Torre de David of Caracas, Venezuela made its Hollywood debut in the latest episode of the popular US TV drama Homeland. The scenes were actually filmed…
Though the inadequate conditions of many slums today pose health and safety threats to millions of slumdwellers around the world, architects today recognize the lessons to be learned when it…
“The slums of Tijuana can teach a lot to the sprawl of San Diego” Architect and urbanist Teddy Cruz looks for clues to the ‘city of the future’ in the…
“In 2010, the UN estimated that 830 million people lived in slums worldwide, and predicted the number to rise to 900 million by 2020. In Latin America, almost 80% of…