We are proud to announce the participation of our leadership in the 11th edition of the annual conference of the International Forum of Urbanism (IfoU), which will focus on sharing research and knowledge to improve urban resilience implementation.
Titled Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning Sustainability and Resilience, the Barcelona conference will take place from 10-12 December 2018, and is organized by UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, UN-HABITAT and the Urban Resilience Research Network.
As part of UIC, the organizing committee is comprised by our codirector Carmen Mendoza Arroyo, our program coordinator Raquel Colacios, and our faculty member and founder of the Urban Resilience Research Network Lorenzo Chelleri, which recently launched a global database of case studies exploring one of the conference’s main discussion points—that of tackling the challenge of urban resilience trade-offs, or actions, policies or projects that enhance the capacity to adapt to a threat or reduce the exposure to a specific risk, but lead to a loss in other adaptive capacities or increase exposure. The event will also feature a session on post-disaster and post-conflict resilience.
If you’d like to submit an abstract to the Call for Papers, you may do so from April until the 30th of May.
For more information, visit the website.