The aim of this roundtable is to discuss and think about the issue of refugee camps and displaced populations from the perspective of architecture and urbanism. Those two aspects are often lack of adequate attention, although some of these settlements may have more inhabitants than many cities (like Dadaab, Kenya, with about 450,000 people) and are far from temporary (many have decades of existence).
The meeting will count with the participation of Gonzalo Sánchez-Terán, from Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS International) and teacher of our master. Considered one of the major expert, he has been working worldwide for the last eleven years organizing, managing and implementing emergency projects in refugee and IDP camps. The roundtable is completed by Arantxa Oses, from Save de Children, and Verónica Sánchez, expert in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in International Cooperation and Emergencies, as moderator.
When: Tuesday, 20 May at 4pm
Where: School of Architecture, University of Alcalà (Madrid)