This year we also welcomed back Dr. Reena Tiwari, Associate Professor in the Departments of Urban & Regional Planning and Architecture at Curtin University of Technology Perth, who told us a bit about her workshop with our masters students, which involved devising participatory strategies for an urban regeneration project of a metro station in Bangalore, India.

Divided into groups, students analyzed the effectiveness of different aspects of the project, such as walkability, place-making, safety and equity. See the video below to see one of the groups in action!

An expert in Urban Design and Urban Theory, Reena has a PhD in the area of Urban Studies, a Masters in Urban Design and a Bachelor Degree in Architecture. She has received various awards for her outstanding contributions to student learning, most recently the Australian National Award for Teaching Excellence for 2013.

See her previous workshop with us on Participatory Design Strategies in Developing Countries.



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