This year we welcomed back Nathaniel Corum, Education Outreach Director of Architecture for Humanity, for a workshop with our students on yet another real-world project, this time focused on creating new housing for a Hopi tribal area in Arizona that promotes sustainable growth and the preservation of cultural and historical heritage.

Past collaborations with Nathaniel have included the Galapagos workshop, the Rio Floods workshop and field trip to Petropolis, Brazil, and the Adobe for Women field trip to Oaxaca, Mexico.

Rio Floods project field trip 2012 – Petropolis, Brazil

This year’s workshop, studying the Hopi tribal site area to develop new housing proposals

This time, students were given the brief to develop new housing proposals for a Hopi tribal area in northern Arizona on behalf of an initiative led by a Sustainable Native Communities Collaborative, which supports culturally and environmentally sustainable affordable housing appropriate to American Indian communities nationwide. Through technical assistance and research of best practices, the Collaborative helps tribal communities reduce their impact on the natural world, gain self-sufficiency and provide solutions for culturally appropriate, healthy and affordable homes.

Our students’ best proposals will be taken to review with the community and the housing designs will serve to inform ongoing discussions about the design/build process.

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