We came across this article in the Solutions Journal on the role and responsibility of architects in disaster risk management written by several experts in the field, including two of last year’s visiting professors: architects Marie Aquilino and Sergio Palleroni.

In the article, the authors explain the complexities of disaster reconstruction, cite real-life examples, and point out the need for design schools “to start training a new generation of architects to engage with natural disasters and war zones.” They go on to mention our masters program:

We need to start training architects to think differently about their vocations. There are very few actual programs in disaster relief and management. At the moment, the only program that is officially recognized by the European Union is the Master of International Cooperation in Sustainable Emergency Architecture at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya in Barcelona.

A warm thanks to the authors for a great article and for mentioning our program. Be sure to read the entire article here, and check Marie Aquilino’s book Beyond Shelter: Architecture and Human Dignity, which we featured in our post 10+ Books on Reconstruction and Development.

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