Time has flown by, and once again, our course has culminated with the presentation of our students’ final theses. This year, the presentations took place on May 30th and 31st. Our students showcased their hard work and innovative research in front of a distinguished jury composed of our esteemed in-house faculty members and our honored guest, Professor Kathrin Golda Pongtratz from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ETSAB-UPC). We look forward to celebrating the future achievements of our students and the insightful discussions that will follow their presentations.

On May 31st Kathrin Golda Poncratz honoured us with the conference “Urban memory and public space”.

Find below the names of the thesis followed by the names of the authors, MICSEA’s 2023-24 students:

Disaster Management in a Rural Area:  Evaluating Post-Flood recovery and resilience Strategies in Schweinheim. COLSMAN, Amelie

HEAT STRESS IN THE URBAN CONTEXT: The influence of urban design parameters on the perception and adaptation to heat in Natal, Brazil. CAMPOS DA CRUZ VIEIRA, Cintia

When Informality meets disaster: Understanding vulnerabilities to flooding in the informal settlement “Los Arenales de la Pradera” in Pimentel, Peru. DELGADO GUERRERO, Luzgélik Violeih

The “Baby Gang” Phenomenon: A Socio-spatial Analysis of Youth Antisocial Behaviors in Rome, Italy. GRAVINA, Elisabetta

The Significance of Local Context in Shelter and WASH Coordination: The Case of Lebanon. HAMMOUD, Khaled

A Comparative Analysis; Evaluation of Holistic Sustainability in Locally Available vs. Prefabricated Transitional Shelter. HUBER, Sarah

International Development and Local Culture through the analysis of the case study of Laos PDR. MEROLA, Serafina

COLONIAL LEGACIES TO COMMUNITY REALITIES: Continuities and Challenges in Kuala Lumpur’s Urban Development. MIOR ABU TAHRIN, Farah Aisyah Binti

Desire-Centered Engagement: Repositioning residents of Vyronas, Athens as actively engaged in improving their spatial environment. PISTOFTZIAN, Vasiliki Vana

Who preserves the city and who overwrites it? Gentrification and heritage in Mumbai, India. POOJAR, Akhila Thammayya

Depopulation and Desertification: The Imminent Chain of Causality Threatening the Survival of Driebes, Castilla-La Mancha. RIPPER, Louise Anne


BODIES OF EXCEPTION 1⁄2 EXCEPTIONAL SPACE: Space-based Strategies to Combat Gender-Based Violence in the Humanitarian Domain. ROGERS, Amy Ferrer

Unveiling Urban Participation: Exploring the Intersection of Participation Processes and Feminism in the city of Barcelona. VAKALOPOULOU, Stella

Shelter for All Genders – Design beyond the physical house: Navigating Housing Insecurity for Forcibly Displaced LGBTIQA+ populations in Barcelona. VASCONCELOS ANTUNES, Laura

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